
"Our dog"

So it's been a real treat moving to a new house in Oklahoma. Glenn and I have been promising for some time now to get our kiddos a pet once we did finally move AND if we found a house with a big fenced in yard. Well, we got a house that is fenced, but Mama Berry (that's me, of course) never really wanted a pet to begin with. I don't like animals! Sorry, but it's true. I could tell you all the millions of reasons...Anyways, upon our arrival, the sweet dog in the picture showed up in our yard regularly. It didn't take long to learn from the neighbors that her name is "Pumpkin".
She was a dog that had been found wandering in a pumpkin patch, so a neighbor rescued her and brought her home. It's really somebody else's dog down the street, but the beauty of it is they just let it roam freely around the neighborhood (It's ok. We live on the outskirts of town. It's pretty safe from heavy traffic). The neighbor feeds it. The neighbor gets the poop on her lawn. The neighbor has to care for it. My family just gets the benefit of a loyal dog that they treat as their own as pumpkin greets us every day. Having a pet doesn't get easier than that. I may really be off the hook now.