
Chocolate and Foil

On Wednesday all the boys were out of school before the Thanksgiving break. I hate to admit it(not really) that I am one of those mommys that doesn't look forward to having the kids out of school on the weekdays. None-the-less, I learned a long time ago not to expect to get my regular daily chores done on these days and instead turn it into a day of projects or activities with the kids or else we'll all go crazy!

The kids remembered they had been gifted a chocolate coin maker 2 years ago on their birthday. I seriously DID NOT want to do this predictably messy activity, but once the children discovered we did in fact have chocolate chips (I tried to get out of it by suggesting there weren't any), we proceeded. Little did I know, it would be a 3hr project!

The kids had a fabulous time...I guess that's the most important thing...right? I should've taken pictures, but it was so messy and involved. However, I did get this one. Ben was eating his gold- foiled chocolate coin, when he comes to me and asks, "Mom, are we supposed to eat the metal?"


School Days

Here's the boys before school. Within forty-five minutes we are all out the door! Of course me having my hair done or McKenna being changed out of her pj's doesn't count.
Caden and Conner are both in 1st grade this year. They are both doing well. Caden's best subject is reading. He is reading at nearly a 3rd grade level! Conner is very good at P.E and math. The twins ride the bus to and from school and they're always full of funny stories. Caden is fascinated with the Jr high kids on his bus. His conversations with them are humorous. (So far I don't detect any problems or bad experiences from them being on the bus with older kids) Let's just say Caden has no boundaries when it comes to inquiring about things and Conner is very good at suggesting things for Caden to say. They're quite a pair!
Benjamin is in a Pre-k class for half a day and he is learning a lot. He finally has learned all the sounds that each letter of the alphabet makes and wants to spell words so bad. Apparently Ben is the funny kid in his class. He always says to me, "Why does everyone love me so much?" or "They always want me to keep making them laugh" The demands of Pre-school extend beyond academics. Who knew?

At church today we were singing the closing hymn and Conner offered me a hymn book. I whispered, "No thanks. I don't need one" He said, "You know this song?" I said, "Not really" He was perplexed because I was still singing without a book. Again he asked, "How do you know the words?" I pointed out that I was reading over the shoulders of the couple in front of me. He was quiet for a few seconds then he very disappointingly said, "But that's CHEATING!" I'm so glad he takes the typical rules so seriously! I'm glad church was almost over since I was laughing so hard.



Don't you love it when the kids help eachother or play sweetly with one another? This picture was taken back in August at grandma Carey's house. Man, our family misses being around my mom!
I know it seems like I post a lot of pictures with McKenna in them but I can't help it. She's my only girl and we're home alone together during the day that I find her doing such cute things. In this picture she is so curious about the breadmaker. I just started it so the dough is being mixed. This is as close to homemade bread as I've gotten. Maybe some day I'll make some from scratch.

On another note, McKenna is beginning to say a lot of words. She's my fourth child but you never grow tired of the new emerging developments of certain stages. McKenna runs to the cupboard repeating "nandy. nandy" (candy) or "nack. nack" (snack). I've also noticed that when I point at a picture of our family, McKenna does the same thing that Ben did at her age; she recognizes and will verbalize everyone's name "da da, ma ma, en (Ben)" but for Caden and Conner she is indifferent, or doesn't bother to distinguish between the two. She just says "aden" for both of them. Yet, when I say "Where's Conner?" she'll point to him or "Where's Caden?" she'll point at just Caden. It's strange. Benjamin used to use "onner" to name both of them.


Dressed Up for Halloween

They're literally Ninja Twins (Caden and Conner).
Yea, lots of little boys want to be vampires for Halloween, but have you ever met one as fierce as Benjamin with GREEN teeth?
McKenna is "Little Red Riding Hood"
We went to "Aunt Bebo's" for Halloween in Frisco, Texas. The kids had a fabulous time. In this picture is cousin Raven, River, and Marina, with my boys Benjamin, Caden, and Conner. I think this last-minute trip was well worth it, considering all the candy my kids got after only trick-or-treating about 4 streets. I won't have to cook dinner for a week now!!! We'll just have candy for dinner. Oh come on, I'm not that bad of a parent. Who lets their kids eat just candy for dinner??? I'll make a casserole. First a layer of smarties, then red licorice, smothered in ooey gooey milkyways...etc.