
My 7 year old twins!

January 29th, Caden and Conner turned 7. In some ways I can't believe I have 7 year olds. I remember when they were born and the first 5-6 months thereafter. I probably was suffering from postpartum depression, but I was feeling so "trapped". I kept thinking of all the things I couldn't get done or wouldn't be able to do so easily alone anymore. Everything revolved around the children, even the careful planning to take a break and get away from them! Probably every mother experiences this, but I held on to that feeling much longer than I care to admit. One day, I remember very poignantly, I was expressing how resentful I was to a friend for my loss of freedom and sense of my self. The friend very simply said, "instead of looking at everything you're missing out on, you ought to think about everything you will get to do". I gradually changed my perspective and begin taking delight in all the experiences I was having because I had children. Seeing my kids experience the world for their first time is amazing. Every trip we take, every question they ask, every explanation they need is rewarding to me. I'm doing "kid things" again because my kids are just kids and they're excited about life. Why else would I have reason to go the zoo, circus, museums, programs, sporting events, etc. so many times in the last 7 years? Who else would I build tents, racetracks, and snowmen with? When would I ever make-believe I was an alien, dragon, princess, bad guy, or monster? How often would I sit and explain something I take for granted about the gospel, or be able to help dispel the fear after a thunderstorm or nightmare? My kids, beginning with Caden and Conner, give me lots of reasons to do things. I'm not so stuck anymore. I'm blessed.
So here's a picture of Caden and Conner on their 7th birthday:
The weather was terrible here in Oklahoma (ice and power outages) so the cake almost didn't finish baking. We had to have a small birthday party, but new toys always help out when school has been cancelled.
Aunt Bebo (my sister Cheryl) came and visited 4 days later and brought presents for everyone.

Caden is a wizard at word games, and since he already had played Apples to Apples at Christmas time with all the adults, Bebo got him the same game, only it's the junior version.

More presents from aunt Bebo.