

Pregnancy Update:  I have sooo been meaning to blog about my pregnancy.  In a way time has just flown by.  It's probably because I'm already so busy with 4 kids that makes this pregnancy less eventful.  Even so, Glenn and I are very excited to be expecting again.  If you've noticed there is a gadget on the side of my blog that keeps track of how far along I am.  C'mon it's attempt to let everyone (and myself) keep track of when I'm due and such.  As far as pregnancy goes, I think I was the most nasueous during the first trimester with this pregnancy, as compared to the other 3.  Fortunately it was textbook, and at 14 weeks I immediately felt better.  I'm not showing much (as I'm already pretty stretched out...**yeah. that's what we'll call this extra weight**).  Even at 17 weeks, I look like I always have.  Last week I had my first ultrasound, since I've recently switched obstetricians.  It's still early, but the ultrasound technichian stated that her guess is that it's a girl.  That's pretty exciting.   I was 60% voting for a girl.  We'll see if that's what is. Other than that, I believe I began feeling the baby move or flutter this week.  Yeah!  Let the baby kung-fu inside me begin.

Valentines Day   Ok so it's been a while since I've posted, so I'll try and get as many pics with text up here as quickly as I can so all my followers (that's fun to say) can see what the Berrys have been up to.  My sweetheart Glenn actually sent me flowers this valentines day!   Glenn gets me flowers occassionally throughout the year, but not usually through delivery.  The sad thing is, I was literrally loading the van for our trip to Missouri, when the florist found my house.  Timidly they asked,  "Casey Berry residence?"  I said yes, and they proceeded to hand me the flowers.  My brother Colby says it would have made a better story if I had ranted and yelled something like "Just like that loser-of-a-husband trying to win me over with flowers! It ain't gonna work!  Can't you see I'm packing the car and leaving him??!!"   Yup, if I hadn't have been so distracted by all the choas of preparing to leave, that would have made for a funnier story.
FYI there is a second set of roses from the Primary President at church, whom I serve with.  She dropped some flowers by because my birthday is the following day after Valentines day.
Needless to say, my birthday was wonderful this year.  I got to go to Misssouri and visit with family and friends, and I recieved pajamas, a new digital camera and a love note from Glenn.