

Don't you love it when the kids help eachother or play sweetly with one another? This picture was taken back in August at grandma Carey's house. Man, our family misses being around my mom!
I know it seems like I post a lot of pictures with McKenna in them but I can't help it. She's my only girl and we're home alone together during the day that I find her doing such cute things. In this picture she is so curious about the breadmaker. I just started it so the dough is being mixed. This is as close to homemade bread as I've gotten. Maybe some day I'll make some from scratch.

On another note, McKenna is beginning to say a lot of words. She's my fourth child but you never grow tired of the new emerging developments of certain stages. McKenna runs to the cupboard repeating "nandy. nandy" (candy) or "nack. nack" (snack). I've also noticed that when I point at a picture of our family, McKenna does the same thing that Ben did at her age; she recognizes and will verbalize everyone's name "da da, ma ma, en (Ben)" but for Caden and Conner she is indifferent, or doesn't bother to distinguish between the two. She just says "aden" for both of them. Yet, when I say "Where's Conner?" she'll point to him or "Where's Caden?" she'll point at just Caden. It's strange. Benjamin used to use "onner" to name both of them.

1 comment:

  1. That's interesting about how little kids seem to lump Caden and Conner together in one name even though they know them by sight as two different people. I never knew that. I wonder if it's like that with God. We call "them" God because they just go together so naturally, even though we know them as individual beings as well. She is a cutie! I never get tired of you posting pics and little antecdotes of those precious little munchkins! Thanks for sharing those little moments, because I really enjoy them since I don't get to see them as a mother myself yet.
