Dressed Up for Halloween
They're literally Ninja Twins (Caden and Conner).
Yea, lots of little boys want to be vampires for Halloween, but have you ever met one as fierce as Benjamin with GREEN teeth?
McKenna is "Little Red Riding Hood"
We went to "Aunt Bebo's" for Halloween in Frisco, Texas. The kids had a fabulous time. In this picture is cousin Raven, River, and Marina, with my boys Benjamin, Caden, and Conner. I think this last-minute trip was well worth it, considering all the candy my kids got after only trick-or-treating about 4 streets. I won't have to cook dinner for a week now!!! We'll just have candy for dinner. Oh come on, I'm not that bad of a parent. Who lets their kids eat just candy for dinner??? I'll make a casserole. First a layer of smarties, then red licorice, smothered in ooey gooey milkyways...etc.
Wow! Candy casserole! That's a GREAT idea! I always loved how in college I'd come over to your apt and say, "hey what's for dinner?" and you'd always say, "candy." I'd argue that you couldn't just have candy for dinner, but I guess I still never swayed you. Now you're passing the fallacy on to another generation! I love how some of McKenna's first words are the important ones (pointing to the pantry), "nandy" and "nack".