
Chocolate and Foil

On Wednesday all the boys were out of school before the Thanksgiving break. I hate to admit it(not really) that I am one of those mommys that doesn't look forward to having the kids out of school on the weekdays. None-the-less, I learned a long time ago not to expect to get my regular daily chores done on these days and instead turn it into a day of projects or activities with the kids or else we'll all go crazy!

The kids remembered they had been gifted a chocolate coin maker 2 years ago on their birthday. I seriously DID NOT want to do this predictably messy activity, but once the children discovered we did in fact have chocolate chips (I tried to get out of it by suggesting there weren't any), we proceeded. Little did I know, it would be a 3hr project!

The kids had a fabulous time...I guess that's the most important thing...right? I should've taken pictures, but it was so messy and involved. However, I did get this one. Ben was eating his gold- foiled chocolate coin, when he comes to me and asks, "Mom, are we supposed to eat the metal?"

1 comment:

  1. LOL. Man, Casey! Every post of yours is SO funny. Metal on the teeth. I hate that feel! BTW, Who on earth got them such a gift? Don't you hate those gifts that the kids can't just do on their own? 3 hours! Sheesh!
